Thursday, August 16, 2007

Get the facts before going for cosmetic sugery

Most women like to look pretty nowadays so they would go for cosmetic surgery, The majority of this young women would have nose surgery or lips done and some of this women would have their breast enlargement if their have a "A" cup breast. While many cosmetic surgeries are done to correct a disfigurement due to an accident or birth defect the majority of the cosmetic surgery procedures done today are purely for personal reasons or to beautify oneself.

But before going for any cosmetic sugery one has to do its homeworks like survering the facts from experienced board certified plastic surgeons and understand the costs of its cosmetic that you have to paid and lastly what are the risks involved in the cosmetic surgery. Get tips from close friends or relatives who had undergone cosmetic surgery before and how is their cosmetic surgery reflection to you before you decided whether or not to go ahead with the surgery.

Recendly I travellar to Bangkok for a long holidays, I notice most of the young girls and ladies having nose and lips surgery and most of the ladies nose are almost the same as like all of them came out from the same surgery hospital. They had a very beautiful high nose and a sweet cute lips. I reckon that the surgery surgeons should be very good.
