Tuesday, October 03, 2006

cosmetic plastic surgery the sex change

Genital surgical sex reassignment: surgery of the genitalia and/or breasts performed for the purpose of altering the morphology in order to approximate the physical appearance of the genetically other sex. Non genital surgical sex reassignment: any and all other surgical procedures of non-genitalia or non-breast, conducted for the purpose of effecting a more masculine appearance in a genetic female or for the purpose of effecting more feminine appearance in a genetic male.

Before and after plastic surgery about nose refinement( 10 days later surgery.)As a former step of SRS, there is a hormonal sex reassignment, which is the administration of androgen to genotype females, and administration of estrogen and/or progesterone to genotype males, for the purpose of effecting somatic changes in order for the patient to more closely approximate the physical appearance of the other sex. . most of the transsexuals who have performed SRS were satisfied with sex change itself. Nevertheless, many of them were dissatisfied with the way their new physical Appearance. The reason for dissatisfaction is first, MFs have to do with retention of bodily features and aspects of the overall appearance that could not be changed completely by either surgery or hormonal manipulation. For example, remains of the beard, large feet and hands, quality of the voice, and persistence of Adam’s apple. Social pressure on woman to pay more attention to their appearance is also one of the reason. FM transsexuals are usually dissatisfied with their new genitals. But, the most important thing is that they could live in the new gender role feeling that their identity is fitting to themselves. They have more comfortable relationship with other people around their environment.


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