Friday, September 01, 2006

cosmetic plastic surgery : Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in the United States each year. The reason for its popularity? Well it shouldn’t be a mystery. The eyes are the most expressive parts of our faces, not to mention, eyes make the biggest first impression. They provide a means for how we see the world, along with how the world sees us.

Unfortunately, the eyes are the first to show signs of aging. The delicate skin around the eyes is prone to wrinkle, crease, sag, swell, and evento discolor. And let’s face facts: gravity isn’t exactly working in our favor. Our upper lids, so often beautiful in our youth, begin to droop as we age, sometimes to the point of covering the lid itself. These saggy, droopy lids can make you look tired, sad, run down, and, well, …old. And nobody wants that. Or if anyone does, we haven’t met them yet.

About Eyelid Surgery
Eyelid Surgery, or as it is medically know, Blepharoplasty, gets rid of the upper redundant tissue, opening up the look of the eye and making you appear younger, softer, more awake, more rested and more attentive. The surgery itself is typically performed on an out-patient basis. Excess skin is removed and then the two incision lines are sutured together discreetly along the crease of the lid, making it barely noticeable. Blepharoplasty can easily be combined with other procedures for those also interested in complete facial rejuvenation.

So Who Is a Good Candidate?
Ultimately, that question is something for the patient and surgeon to decide. However, just the fact that you are reading this page indicates that you may not be happy with the appearance of your eyelids. Do you feel like you look tired, despite how much sleep or rest you’ve gotten? Do people ask you “what’s wrong” even when you are in a perfectly good mood? Do your eyelids feel heavy? Can you not see the crease of your eyelid when you look in the mirror? Is your eyelid encroaching on your lash line and affecting your make-up? These are some of the indicators that eyelid surgery could be beneficial to you.

Site by Etna Interactive.


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